Living Tiny
Tiny living is beyond physical location or space. It truly is a lifestyle! This movement reimagines, rethinks, and challenges the traditional way we live. We encourage you to look beyond traditional real estate filters and dig deeper into the causation of high housing costs and the many benefits tiny living creates - socially and environmentally! Let’s live smarter, together.
We have had a lot of questions about the size of our units, the price, and the resulting cost / SF, a common real estate metric. We don’t believe this measurement applies to tiny units in the same way it does to standard single-family homes. The resultant benefits and lower cost of living tiny outweigh the concern over higher square footage rates.
The overarching goal behind micro-units is reduced cost to the end user.
While the cost / SF of small units may seem high, the resultant price point allows access to a region that could otherwise be unaffordable to residents while still providing the same functionality as a larger square footage home. Micro-units offer ample access to light with higher ratios of windows to floor area, provide necessary infrastructure, and also provide access to important amenities, including full-sized kitchens and bathrooms.
Micro-unit renters and owners tend to edge towards minimalism and value location, experiences, economy, and high-quality amenities over larger, more costly units.
Reduced square footage also results in reduced material usage for initial construction, reduced ongoing maintenance and operational costs for a smaller environmental footprint.
Although the price per square foot is higher than typical housing stock in a market, the rental and purchase price point is lower and thus accessible to a larger demographic.
When considering the larger issue of housing supply, free market micro-units cannot cure our accessible housing needs alone; they should be utilized as one of many ways to increase housing stock.